Discover Your Speed of Writing with a Simple Test


As parents, we all want our children to excel in their academic pursuits, especially in subjects like mathematics. One crucial skill that can significantly impact their academic success is writing speed. Faster writing speed allows children to complete assignments and exams more efficiently and effectively communicate their thoughts. In this blog post, we will guide you on how to check your child’s writing speed, introduce speed writing exercises to improve it and provide valuable tips to increase their overall writing speed. By understanding and enhancing your child’s writing speed, you can help them achieve academic success and boost their confidence in the process.

The Importance of Writing Speed in Mathematics

Writing speed plays a vital role in mathematics as it directly affects a child’s ability to complete calculations accurately and efficiently. When solving math problems, children need to write down their thought processes step by step. A slow writing speed can hinder their progress, leading to frustration and potential errors.

In addition to improving calculation accuracy, faster writing speeds enable children to solve problems more quickly during time-limited assessments. It also helps them organize their thoughts better and present their solutions clearly and concisely.

How to Check Writing Speed

Checking your child’s writing speed is a simple process that you can do at home. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Choose a Passage: Select a short passage or a list of sentences appropriate for your child’s age and skill level. It could be a paragraph from their favourite book or a series of sentences that they can easily understand.

  2. Set a Timer: Use a stopwatch or timer to give your child a set amount of time, such as 1-3 minutes, to write as much as they can.

  3. Count the Words: After the time is up, count the total number of words written. Divide this number by the number of minutes taken to find the words per minute (WPM).

    For example, if your child writes 60 words in 2 minutes, their writing speed would be 30 WPM (60 words ÷ 2 minutes = 30 WPM).

  4. Record and Compare: Keep a record of the results and compare them to age-appropriate benchmarks to see where your child stands.

Speed Writing Exercises

Incorporating speed writing exercises into your child’s routine can enhance their writing speed. Here are some effective exercises you can try:

  1. Timed Writing Prompts: Provide your child with a writing prompt and set a timer for 5-10 minutes. Encourage them to write continuously without worrying about grammar or spelling. This exercise helps them focus on getting their thoughts down quickly.

  2. Chunking Technique: Teach your child the chunking technique, where they break down sentences into smaller parts. For example, instead of writing “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,” they can write “The quick brown fox” and then “jumps over the lazy dog.” This method improves writing fluency and speed by reducing cognitive load.

  3. Daily Journaling: Encourage your child to keep a daily journal where they write about their day or respond to a prompt. Set a timer for 10 minutes and challenge them to write as much as possible within that time frame. This practice helps them develop the habit of writing quickly and effectively.

  4. Speed Writing Games: Engage your child in fun games that promote speed writing. For example, you can play a game where they have to write down as many words as they can that start with a specific letter within a minute. These games make writing fun while improving speed and accuracy.

Tips to Increase Writing Speed

Improving writing speed involves practice and the right techniques. Here are some tips to help increase your child’s writing speed:

  1. Proper Grip and Posture: Ensure your child holds their writing instrument correctly. The dynamic tripod grip, where the pen rests on the middle finger, provides better control and speed. Additionally, maintaining good posture while writing can reduce fatigue and improve overall writing speed.

  2. Use Quality Writing Tools: Invest in good-quality pens or pencils that glide smoothly on paper. The right tools can significantly affect writing speed and comfort.

  3. Practice Hand and Finger Exercises: Regular hand and finger exercises can enhance dexterity and reduce fatigue. Simple exercises like squeezing a stress ball or using hand grips can strengthen the muscles used in writing.

  4. Encourage Cursive Writing: Some studies suggest that learning cursive writing can improve writing speed as it allows for more fluid movements without lifting the pen as often. Consider introducing cursive writing if your child struggles with speed.

  5. Set Goals and Track Progress: Help your child set achievable writing speed goals and track their progress over time. Celebrate improvements, no matter how small, to keep them motivated and engaged.

Testing Writing Skills

To effectively test your child’s writing skills, you can go beyond just measuring their speed. Here are some additional methods:

  1. Writing Samples: Collect samples of your child’s writing over time to assess improvements in both speed and quality. Look for changes in handwriting, spelling, and the ability to express ideas clearly.

  2. Peer Comparisons: If possible, compare your child’s writing speed and skills with their peers. This can provide context and motivation for improvement.

  3. Feedback Sessions: After speed writing exercises, have discussions with your child about what they found challenging. This can help identify specific areas that need improvement, such as spelling or sentence structure.

  4. Incorporate Technology: Consider using typing programs or apps that encourage writing practice. These tools can be particularly helpful as children often enjoy using technology, and typing can improve their overall writing speed and efficiency.

Summing Up:

By understanding the importance of writing speed in mathematics and implementing the tips and exercises provided, parents can effectively nurture their children’s writing abilities. Encouraging daily practice, using engaging techniques, and providing a supportive environment are key factors in enhancing a child’s writing speed and mathematical skills. SIP Abacus India offers skill development programs using the Abacus tool and visualization techniques for children aged 6-12. The programs aim to improve mental math skills, concentration, writing skills, attention span, learning ability, and academic performance. 

Additionally, they enhance confidence, self-esteem, and personality development, providing a competitive edge in exams. Completing the SIP Abacus program has shown significant improvements in math and writing skills, with children often performing 3-4 years ahead of their peers within 2 years.

By improving writing speed, children can excel academically. Implement these tips and exercises for remarkable progress in mathematical abilities.